Industrial air cleaners are a valuable tool for capturing most airborne nuisance particulate. Self-contained filtration units continuously pull contaminated air through multiple stages of highly efficient micro-glass filters. The filtered air is then re-circulated back into the working environment without the need for duct work. This results in a cleaner, healthier atmosphere for employees, while saving you money by keeping heated or air-conditioned air inside your facility.
We can modify these systems with duct work to separate the dirty air from the cleaned air. We can also add on Ionizer units to better filter particles and render pathogens (Coronavirus) harmless. These systems come in various sizes and configurations to fit your floor plan.
Filtration is typically the most economical solution to clean your air. While they do not provide any fresh air, they are 100% climate efficient. The most effective solution we employ at Ventilation Pros is to combine Keep The Heat Fresh Air Exchange with Ducted Filtration systems. By doing this we clean and remove a high quantity air, duct the cleaned/fresh air to the floor area in an efficient and strategic manor.
Call today to discuss your problem and we will help!

Duction the filtered air back to the floor is the BEST way to install filtration units.